Sunday, September 28, 2008


Apparently I have 2 17 year old daughters!!! This weekend I got called the mother of my 2 cousins not once, but twice!!! The first time was Friday night. We went to watch the Clackamas High School team play Oregon City. As we were leaving, the gate attendant tried to get my cousin, Kala's attention to tell her that if she left she couldnt come back in. Mid-monologue she turns around and sees me and says "Oh its ok. Mom's with you!!" OMG... (side note: right after this incident we encountered a drunk guy who said, as he walked by us "Oh man I wish I were still in high school. You girls are gorgeous!" So not in high school!!)

Second time, we were at the nail salon getting pedicures. First the ladies asked me if I were paying for the pedicures (there were 4 of us! haha). I said "No" and thought nothing of it. Later Kala told me her girl asked her if mom was paying, and pointed to me!!! Two time!!! In 24 hours!!! What is this world coming too?????

Conclusion: I am old!

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